Sunday, September 9, 2007

Seventh International CAA Student Design Competition 2006

Designed by Rock-Young Kim & Dong-Han Shin

TITLE: Sus-containability
(sustainable + container + ability)

Lack of access to adequate sports facilities or equipment is typical barriers particularly for people in a low-income community. Particular attention should be given to the more easily accessible and convenient local sports facilities to the low-income neighborhoods and slum areas.

Nevertheless, the lack of financial accountability in the areas may be a huge loophole to support the idea. Most of the poor community just cannot financially support expensive sports facilities. In this, the necessity for developing a new concept of sports facilities for the poor community is essential. Instead of a large state-of-the-art facility, facilities that are small in scale, self-sustaining and using recyclable material may be an appropriate solution for the poor community.

Our design proposal attempts to connect the new sports facilities in a low-income community with the existing infrastructure, that is, roads and buildings. The proposed site is located at Sibjeong-dong in the city of Incheon, Korea.

Around the site, a major street clearly separates a low income area from a high income area. Most of houses around the low-income area are packed like sardines. Unlike the high income area, the street in a low-income area serves as a ‘major’ activity spaces for the poors, since the poors cannot afford enough rooms to play in their house. Therefore, streets serve as multi-functions for the poors. However, streets are not a good system for sports activities. Accordingly, areas embedded and connected to the streets are needed for sports facilities as a new system for the poors in a chosen site for the design.

In this, we propose a system of ‘Poly,’ meaning ‘much or many’. In our design, ‘Poly’ doesn’t have specific forms, rules or limits in terms of its use. Various materials and shapes can be employed in different purposes and programs.

Poly Material: Container & Metal frame

Programs : Community facilities for the poors + Small sports center
Biggest poly in the center : Futsal, Basketball, Small club room,
Shower booth, toilet and garden

Poly Orientation : All small ‘Polys’ are oriented to the biggest ‘Poly’ that is located at the center of the area. People in small ‘Poly’s can see the biggest one at all times. We call it a ‘Peep’. All the ‘Polys’ are planned easy access and visible from the road so that people can watch who is playing what sports. It will inspire other residents around the area to become part of the sports activities. Therefore, ‘Poly’ will become a new system of sports facilities on the site.(

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